How To Turn off/Disable/Uninstall Avast Antivirus Windows


In This Tutorial We Will Learn How To Turn off/Disable/Uninstall Avast Antivirus In Windows 7/8/10.Avast Antivirus Is Very Famous Antivirus Which Protect Your Computer From Trojan, Malware, And Other Deadly Virus.But Many Time Is Happens These Antivirus Run In The Background For Your Security Check Which Increased The Usage Of RAM And Hence Your System Works Slow So Many User Want To Know How To Turn off Avast Antivirus Temporarily Or How To Disable Avast Antivirus Or How To Uninstall Avast Antivirus In Windows 7/8/10.


  • Step 1 (How To Turn Off Avast Antivirus In Windows 7/8/10)

If so, then open the main Avast graphical user interface, and go to Protection” Core Shields. As an alternative, you can go to Settings (in the bottom left corner at the main Avast interface)”‘Components’ (or’Active Protection’ in the older version). There you will find all Avast shields (file-system Shield, Behavior Shield, Mail Shield, Web Shield) listed.

Only find the one that you would like to disable and click the switcher. Once you click , you might find four options — prevent the defense for a) 10 minutes; b) 1 hour; c) until computer restart eternally. Simply select the period you need and click it.You May Download Latest Version Of Avast Antivirus.

  • Step 2 (How To Turn Off Avast Antivirus)

When the protector has been successfully disabled, then you should see the switch change to’OFF’ and the primary window should be yellowish with the message’File Shield is now off’. To re-enable it , only click the green’Switch on’ button, and it’ll turn green with the message’You’re shielded ‘


  • Step 1 (How To Disable Avast Antivirus In Windows 7/8/10)

Just navigate to the Windows task bar and get the orange Avast icon. By default it’s hidden in a few Windows systems, click the top arrow in case you don’t view it. Once you discover the icon, play a right-click on it, start looking for the option’Avast protects control’, and then choose a few of the options — disable for a) 10 minutes; b) 1 hour; c) until keyboard restart; p ) eternally.

  • Step 2 (How To Disable Avast Antivirus)

Whatever option you need to choose, Avast will request a verification, that you have to confirm by selecting’Yes’. And that’s it, Avast and each of its defenses should be disabled/paused for every time period you’ve selected.

  • Step 3 (How To Disable Avast Antivirus)

If you would like to be certain Avast is really disabled, then just open its main window. It should be saying and red’All antivirus protects are away ‘. To re-enable it , go through the green button’Re solve ‘, and it should turn green with the message’You are shielded.If You Didn’t Like Avast You Can Try Kaspersky Antivirus.


  • Step 1 (How To Uninstall Avast Antivirus Windows 7/8/10)

Choose the Start menu and type Controlpanel . Pick the Control Panel program to start it.

  • Step 2

From the Control Panel window, then select Programs and Features.

  • Step 3

From the Apps and Features window, then scroll to the Avast Antivirus application and select it. Then, select un-install to begin the uninstall process.

  • Step 4

This can launch Avast’s configuration screen where you will find many choices available to alter the Avast setup. The principal options are Update, Repair, or Modify. But, you are going to observe that the Uninstall button in the bottom of this window. Select it to establish the Avast uninstall procedure.

  • Step 5 (How To Uninstall Avast Antivirus)

You’ll see a confirmation window asking if you want to uninstall Avast. Select the Yes button.

  • Step 6

This will establish the Avast uninstallation process. It could take a couple of minutes for the progress bar to accomplish as the Uninstallation deletes all the Avast files distributed throughout your system.

  • Step 7

After the uninstallation is complete, you’ll see a prompt to restart the computer therefore that the uninstallation can complete. Choose the Restart computer button to complete.

  • Step 8 (How To Uninstall Avast Antivirus)

Restarting your computer will soon complete the uninstallation procedure. Once that is done, Avast will probably soon be completely uninstalled from the system.

Above Tutorial Is About How To Turn off Avast Antivirus Temporarily Or How To Disable Avast Antivirus Or How To Uninstall Avast Antivirus In Windows 7/8/10

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